Want to make your subtitles pop? Or do you want a more classic approach? Well, we have options for all your needs!
These are the available Style options
Not all alternatives are included in this video because there are soooo many!
- None
- Text only
- Dropshadow
- Backplate
- Backplate Rounded
Sequence Large
Displays the words in the subtitle block one by one in the same position. With the Large text size. -
Sequence Small
Displays the words in the subtitle block one by one in the same position. With the Small text size. -
Paragraph - Prompter
Small text. Draws full paragraph of text, just as the existing styles, but uses the “prompter” style to animate the words one by one by increasing their opacity to 100% with the word timing. -
Paragraph - Prompter Backplate
Small text. Draws full paragraph of text, just as the existing styles, but uses the “prompter” style to animate the words one by one by increasing their opacity to 100% with the word timing. With square backplate. -
Paragraph - Prompter Backplate Rounded
Small text. Draws full paragraph of text, just as the existing styles, but uses the “prompter” style to animate the words one by one by increasing their opacity to 100% with the word timing. With rounded corners backplate. -
Paragraph - Direct
Small text. Draws full paragraph of text, just as the existing styles, but displays the words one by one with a simple show animation. -
Paragraph - Direct Backplate
Small text. Draws full paragraph of text, just as the existing styles, but displays the words one by one with a simple show animation. With square backplate. -
Paragraph - Direct Backplate Rounded
Small text. Draws full paragraph of text, just as the existing styles, but displays the words one by one with a simple show animation. With rounded corners backplate. -
Paragraph - Popup
Small text. Draws full paragraph of text, just as the existing styles, but uses a popup animation to animate the words one by one with the word timing. -
Paragraph - Popup Backplate
Small text. Draws full paragraph of text, just as the existing styles, but uses a popup animation to animate the words one by one with the word timing. With square backplate. -
Paragraph - Popup Backplate Rounded
Small text. Draws full paragraph of text, just as the existing styles, but uses a popup animation to animate the words one by one with the word timing. With rounded corners backplate. -
Paragraph Large - Prompter
Large text. Draws full paragraph of text, just as the existing styles, but uses the “prompter” style to animate the words one by one by increasing their opacity to 100% with the word timing. -
Paragraph Large - Direct
Large text. Draws full paragraph of text, just as the existing styles, but displays the words one by one with a simple show animation. -
Paragraph Large - Popup
Large text. Draws full paragraph of text, just as the existing styles, but uses a popup animation to animate the words one by one with the word timing.
Choose Font
You also have the possibility to choose either the Default font or the Theme font (the one that is set for small text).
Choose Position
You have 9 possible postions for your subtitles.
Text Alignment
Align your subtitles to the Left, To the Right or at the Center in the chosen position.
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