The Player Slide has no regular text field and is used to house a video asset and have it play as is for the duration of the uploaded asset or for a custom duration. This is ideal for when you have ready-made video assets that you just want to play interrupted.
This could also be used for specific things like pre-rendered outros that you have as a video asset. With the custom duration, you could also use the player slide to create sections in a video between other slides.
Basic usage
The Player slide has general controls for audio, logo visibility, and video starting point. In addition, it also has a custom duration setting. The value you input – in ms – in the custom duration field defines for how long from the video starting point that the ”out point” will occur. For instance: If you don’t change anything in the video starting point settings and input 15000 as custom duration the video in the player slide will play from the absolute start to 15 seconds. If you set the video starting point at 00:15 as the video starting point and 14000 as the custom duration it will play between 15 and 29 seconds. So you can pinpoint a specific part of the video that you want to play.
NB: When switching formats between square and horizontal the custom duration settings are sometimes reset and you will have to choose and input it again. Be sure to check that out when switching.
Fine Print: You have the option to add a "Fine Print" (300 characters) at the bottom of the slide. The text size is Tiny but can be scaled between 10-100%. The placement of the Fine Print will adapt to the placement of the logo (if the logo is at the bottom of the slide, the Fine Print will move to the top of the slide). Text Alignment - Left, Center, Right.
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