The videos and pictures available in Storykit are from Pixabay, Pexels, and Unsplash royalty-free libraries, meaning that you have full access to use all of the videos and pictures.
If you want to use videos from Videoblocks in a video for commercial use, you need to make some selections in the asset browser when searching for video assets. You can read more here.
Why is my video blocked?
Sometimes people can claim the right to a specific video clip/image, even though they don’t have any rights to the video/image, which the platform (Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Youtube) might believe. In this case, you can "claim your right" and demand that they analyze the situation.
This might take a little while but then they will come back with an okay to publish the video since you have used a 100% royalty-free video/image open for anyone to use. If you think the wait is too long we suggest you choose another asset.